Captain's Log


Sunday 22 June 2008

Bottlenose Dolphins Back Again

A playful group of Bottlenose Dolphins spent time with both our Ecocruz and
Whale Watch Explorer on Saturday. They seemed to enjoy the experience as
much as we did and where observed breaching, back-flipping and tail slapping
around both boats. The sighting was also important for our ongoing photo-id
project in collaboration with Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust. Every time
they are seen photographs are taken of the dorsal fins and any other
distinctive markings and these photos together with sighting information
provide an understanding of the population dynamic and movements of the 30
strong Hebridean group. In the future this information could be used to
support any marine protection initiatives on the west coast.

Also seen were Minke Whale, Harbour porpoise, Seals and a huge feeding flock
(approx 2000) of Manx Shearwaters.