Captain's Log


Friday 15 May 2009

May update

Hello! I’m Ruth, one of the new guides joining Sea Life Surveys for 2009. Now in my third week and what a few weeks they have been... from getting sunburnt on my first day out in the stunning Cairns of Coll… to many days of solid rain and very strong winds…now back to beautiful sunshine (this time armed with sun-cream!)... I have loved every moment.

Highlights obviously include the Minke whales. Yesterday was particularly special, after a morning spent cruising the tide-lines around Ardnamurchan with great views of the Small Isles and up to Skye. We were heading into Sanna Bay for lunch and refills of tea and coffee when directly ahead of the boat, right on cue, as people began tucking into their sandwiches, a Minke! It seemed to be travelling so didn’t hang around for long, but what a fantastic sighting!

We’ve also had some great Harbour Porpoise action with one group of about six animals being unusually playful coming right up to the boat, letting us have a good look at them under the water. Sometimes it’s a question of which direction to look with Porpoise behind you and the Sea Eagles sitting on the shore putting on a show in front of you giving everybody onboard spectacular views.

Every day starts with more and more anticipation to see our first dolphins and basking sharks of the season. Any day now and I cannot wait...