Captain's Log


Friday 3 May 2013

Whalewatch Explorer - 2nd May 2013

Luvery Chubberly. Whalewatch today, just so great to be out there greeting wildlife friends. Weather definitely very unspringlike, but we had a great trip. Plenty of feeding now especially the shearwater and great clumps of plankton to keep them busy. There will be whale in there somewhere, but eluded us today. Plenty of porpies being a bit springlike by enjoying a spot of surfing behind us. A bri...ef stop over to check that Sanna Bay has survived the winter storms - it has!! On way home Ruth spotted what she thought was a basking shark below the surface and if Ruth says that, then she being the shark expert she is - I can only but believe her. We saw our first shark at this time last year. Our passengers were great despite the cold rain and wind that got up. Such nice folk come out with us it is a priviledge to be showing them the wonders of the area. POPZ