Filming on board Sula Beag
Do you remember Terry Nutkin, the really great presenter for the TV show Animal magic and then more recently the Really Wild Show? Well we had the good fortune of having Terry on board last Thursday plus 2 camera folk and a producer. This was a filming event sponsored by the WSPA World Society for the Protection of Animals.
To recap a bit and explain, June 22nd sees the start of the IWC’s (International Whaling Commission) annual meeting to agree on killing quotas for the forthcoming year. The whaling nations are looking to increase their quotas this year. The WSPA wish to take a more positive, and proactive approach. They will do this by celebrating the whale watching industry, as an economic alternative to actually whaling.
Although a global operation, WSPA wished to focus on Scotland because Norway and maybe Iceland, hunt the minke whale that may well live and breed in Scottish waters. WSPA contacted Wild Scotland (Association of Scottish Wildlife Operators ) in order to find, and I quote, ‘a whale watching operation that operate to the highest standards as promoted by WSPA’s ethical tourism guidelines’.
So they chose Sea Life Surveys – good choice I think! There was much interviewing, filming, and very interesting chat with Terry. What an amazing guy. Such a profound knowledge on marine wildlife matters. Both James and Danny (Waggy) also expounded on many matters. The public on board also contributed and the whole day was a resounding success. We did not find a whale!! But I hope our various chats, and the global publicity, will help in promoting the benefits of whale watching as to the totally unnecessary slaughter of our magnificent and friendly ‘stinkies’.
PS we will update you when the footage taken goes online.