Captain's Log


Wednesday 8 August 2012

Whalewhale Explorer 7th of August

Whalewatch Explorer passengers - 7th of August 2012. Flat, calm conditions and fantastic visibility meant we were spotting Minke whales from several miles away today! However, one individual whale decided to come exceptionally close swimming under Sula Beag's bow and along our starboard side allowing us to see its whole body including tail beneath the water, an extraordinary encounter! Also close views of basking sharks, porpoise, common & grey seals, white-tailed eagles, Arctic & great skuas, storm petrels, puffins and fulmars to name a few other highlights :-)
This is the Minke whale which swam under our bow today, we've looked through the ID catalogue and its unique dorsal fin looks very similar to one of the whales already in there! Unfortunately for the whale it doesn't have a name and is only known by the code 'FD45'.... hopefully we'll be seeing this curious whale again!
A close encounter on today's Whalewatch Explorer with the Minke we believe might be 'FD45'... definitely going to have to come up with a proper name for this amazing whale!!